Girls in STEM: Carla
When Carla shared her project with us for the first time, we instantly fell in love with her creative mind and playful spirit. The 8-year-old programmer is a big fan of Robo Wunderkind and enjoys building and coding with it for two years already.

Since we launched the Makers Marathon, Carla has participated third time in a row in our #RoboMakersMarathon challenges, and each time amazes us with fascinating story-telling and execution complexity of her projects. This girl without a doubt has a limitless imagination!
We asked Carla why she enjoys Robo Wunderkind so much and talked to her father Stefan about the importance of STEM education for girls.
— Why do you think it’s important to teach young girls STEM?
— (Stefan) I work in software development and have to constantly observe that girls are hardly interested in this area because the topic was never managed to be brought closer to them in their childhood. Interestingly, software development was a "female domain" in the 1960s. It also promotes self-confidence.

— This is a very interesting observation. Do you feel that STEM education is well-represented in your local schools?
— I think that topics like robotics and computer science are represented extremely poorly in schools. Hence my motivation to support STEM education at home is even bigger. I previously got a computer mouse whose movement could be programmed, so Carla and I experimented with scratch to program games.
— This is great, making it accessible to learn robotics and coding at home has always been one of our main goals. Could you tell us why you chose Robo Wunderkind when picking an educational toy for Carla?
— What I particularly liked about Robo Wunderkind is the connection between haptic tasks, namely engineering, and the software. This works well with a successful programming interface. Thanks for the current challenge series, with which I was able to motivate Carla again and she is having fun!

— Thank you, we are glad that you both are enjoying it :) Carla, could you please tell us why do you like to play with Robo Wunderkind and what are your favorite features?
— (Carla) I like to play with Robo Wunderkind because I enjoy inventing new things. My favorite cube is the microphone (distance sensor). I love using the microphone because it can listen to me :)
— Great choice, this module is one of our favorites as well! Have you thought about what profession would you like to have in the future?
— Yes, I want to build robots so I don't have to clean!

Amazing, Carla! We can’t wait to see more of your incredible projects, never stop exploring :)
Seeing young kids immerse into the world of robotics and coding, experimenting with programming, creating inventions, making up stories with Robo Wunderkind is making us feel that we are on the right path in our mission to inspire the young generation to be makers and realize that they can construct their future themselves!
Join the Makers Marathon, our special series of free online workshops & fun inventor competitions. Let’s explore the fascinating world of technology together!
Learn all about Makers Marathon here
Watch Carla's amazing projects: 😍🤖
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