How Robo Wunderkind inspired a young visionary to open kids' robotics school in Astana
2018 kicked off with the first robotics school inspired by Robo Wunderkind opening in Astana, Kazakhstan. We asked Aibar Ussenov, a student, young entrepreneur and the mastermind behind the Robo Cube school why he believes our robotics kits will change the way Kazakh kids learn about technology.

“I myself have 6 siblings so I was always thinking of the new ways for my sisters and brothers to explore technologies – not just passively consume videos and games, but actually create something. Robots have always embodied a bigger idea for me with their endless capacities and I wanted to help kids discover it. So when in 2016 one of the Robo Wunderkind co-founders, Rustem came to our university to present his startup, it all kind of clicked together.

I made a business plan for a kids' robotics school and then applied for the state program that supports small entrepreneurs. To my surprise, our plan was approved and within a month we won the grant! But it was just the beginning of the story. I quickly realized I will need the team of like-minded people to support my idea and was lucky to have some really talented and experienced professionals to join me to make a current team of four. We have also received a great support from Robo Wunderkind educational team, who guided our first steps with robotics kits and supported us with their specially developed curriculum so our educator could quickly understand the educational concept and the potential behind the robots.

Children just love playing with robots and always ask for more when the class is over. Our young students love the idea of colorful cubes in Robo Wunderkind robotics kits, and that they could build anything they want. It’s also amazing to see how the grown-ups get enthusiastic when they see the robots going live. Although there is a still a lot of work for us to be done to explain to local parents why kids benefit from the early exposure to coding and robotics, we at Robo Cube are inspired to introduce modern technologies in such a playful and creative way. “

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